Our BATs work with your Macola system with a quick installation. You can enhance, automate, and deepen your Macola experience
Our BATs help you stay ahead of your competition with more efficient operations. Speed up your process and automate your process
We can program our BATs to fit any mold that your Macola system requires. Any problem you can think of is solvable with our BATs
Streamline the accounts payable process by reducing large amounts of data entry and therefore the chance of error.
Automate the entry of Accounts Payable vouchers by clearing multiple Purchase Order receipts on a single screen
Reduce manual data entry by bulk-process ing multiple payments from a single screen and streamline your authorization process.
Generate EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) export files which can transfer directly into a vendors bank in any currency
Whether you need to import sales orders from an eCommerce website, add new items and accounts from a recently acquired business, implement a new item number schema or speed up access to information
Import master data such as sales orders, purchase orders, items, customers and vendors from Excel directly into Macola
Save time by importing Excel sheets and create journal entry transactions directly in Macola's General Ledger
Change the historical and open tables and fields in Macola with ease using Excel
Information such as shipping container locations and additional stocking units of measure can be captured within Macola screens for better visibility, consistency and analysis
Simplify the processes associated with shipping products by container or truck load with multiple POs on a single shipment
Store two or more Units Of Measure and Catch Weights parallel but independent from each other - simplifying unit conversions
Create, edit, delete and manage additional detailed price codes beyond Macola's standard options to fit your company
Accelerate and expand your Macola system with our Excel tools. Add ODB files to transactions or clean up your system for a faster experience.
Eliminate duplicate entries when you have multiple companies. Seamlessly copy orders into other companies
Speed up your system with the Clean Data BAT. Purge unused data that is slowing your entire Macola experience down
Speed up Macola by running valuable, slower monthly utilities in 5 minutes instead of 5 hours
Do you have any questions about our products?
Contact us today!
Phone us: +1.403.202.0577 or email support: support@harvestvi.com
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